About the company:
Orange – the biggest telecommunication operator in Poland and one of the main companies in the world, made it to the Fortune Global 500 list.
Department: Customer Experience, trying to design the ideal customer experience and supporting the organisation in implementing client-first policy.
Orange strives towards continuous improvement of people and perfecting processes.
That’s why the Customer Experience team created and implemented methodologies of continuous improvement inspired by Lean Sin Sigma or Kaizen. Thanks to this, every employee who sees a non-optimal action in their area, may fix it.
The challenge was describing the initiative of exceptionally wide and strategic range. Standard solutions such as e-mailing the employees did not provide the possibility to tell about it in a way that would be sufficiently vast and entertaining.
Orange wanted to accomplish two main goals:
- To tell about the programme in an inspiring way. What’s it about, why it’s being implemented, and how, step by step, will it work.
- To describe all the methodologies that serve to analyze problems and implementing solutions. Among them, there were decision matrix, tasks allocating templates, or change implementation schemes. Thanks to this, the employees would be able to recall at any given moment how to use the main tools of the programme.
The whole initiative, framed as a wide gamification event, was announced with a trailer.
Thanks to this, we were able to try a new form of communication, and we managed to familiarize over 3 thousand employees with it. After good feedback, we moved to the second stage.
An outtake from the trailer:
In the second stage, Orange shared an educational movie on methodologies of analyzing problems and implementing solutions. We talked about those issues in a friendly, visual way. Thanks to this, the movie served as a crib sheet that the employees could look at if they forgot some of the material.
Frames from the educational movie [in Polish]:
Opinion on our cooperation:
“Animations created by ExplainVisually were a great medium for promoting the initiative and teaching methodology.
Thanks to light, attractive, and original visual setting, the initiative started great, and for several years now, it has constantly been bringing huge advantages to the company in the form of improvements, and much satisfaction to the people regarding their success and development.
Cooperating with Klaudia and ExplainVisually team was a pure pleasure – efficient, flexible, highest quality, and all that with neverending smile and energy. I highly recommend them!”
Irena Kaszewska
Program Director, Customer Experience