Among dozens of projects that we have carried out this year, the film for the Kornel Makuszyński Elementary School in Radowo Małe is one of our favourites.

And not only our favourite: the video scored over 1300 shares on Facebook.

Why this project is so important to us:

  • because we work in the creative business on a daily basis and the subject of education is especially close to our hearts,
  • because the film shows how amazing things can be done in schools in post-collective-farms regions, where the unemployment reaches up to 50%, and schools’ funding are very thin,
  • because we would like the message about Director Ewa Radanowicz and the pedagogical board of the Radowo Małe school to reach possibly far and continue to inspire other teachers and parents.

The story and the final effect of the work of Radowo Małe team is really amazing and it could put many private schools to shame.

We strongly encourage you to watch our 3-minutes-long movie about the Radowo Małe school:
