Christmas time has passed, so it’s time for some summary. We can’t describe this year with one word.

2017 was demanding, tragic, developing, successful, sad and joyful.

In the period of 12 months we made over 70 films, which means we scored almost 200 total since the founding of the studio.

We couldn’t possibly speak about all of them. In fact, we can’t tell you about some of them.

Therefore, below you’ll find our subjective summary of what happened to us this year:

We started this year with producing a series of films for a client who has, by far, order over 20 of them.

Shortly after, we released our first animation in Arabic. The film was being screened in Syrian TV and educated Syrians how to identificate bombs (IED) that are being left in their homes by ISIS. It was one of the projects when we strongly felt that our work can have a profound meaning.

Then we made a film that was displayed in the finale of the competition for the best Insurtech Startup in Israel. The pitch, strengthened by our film, helped the Seegnature company win 1.500.000 $ funding from the Jerusalem Venture Partners! (More here).

After that, for Millenium Bank, we created a series of educational films about the standards of customer service. (More –

Besides that, our films covered subjects such as EHS in one of the breweries, cybersecurity procedures in a bank, and even… pallets.

In the end of August 2017 a tragic event in the history of our company happened. In a sailplane accident died Michał Trochimczyk, our co-founder, and, what’s much more dire, privately Klaudia’s fiancé and Maciek’s friend.

It was really hard to move on from. Had it not been for the support and full mobilisation of our whole team and many of our friends and third parties, we would never have made it further.

We did, however, move on, finally – and soon after we delivered a series of 5 films that were being screened at the same time in Baltimore, Poznań, and Shanghai. All this to make sure that IKEA’s longstanding strategy’s kickoff was remembered by the employees.

We have also completed our most international project. It was cocreated with a Greek working in Dubai for a French client having a department in Saudi Arabia. The animations required from us to write in Arabic, which turned out to be a real challenge. Without the help of our friend from Oman, we don’t think we could have made it 🙂

The effect of our work with NestleHealthScience –

Shortly before the end of the year we have also made a project for a Polish film studio. They highly appreciated it, which was a sign for us that we can really keep up with the highest standards.

Unfortunately, just as many other projects we did, this film is not available for public.

In the year 2017 only we have been working with companies such as Orange, Carlsberg, IKEA, TAURON, Millennium Bank, mBank, BZ WBK, Ministry of Development, ING, or Nestle.

We’d like to thank our team for their involvement and working under such demanding conditions, our clients for their trust, and our friends for the support in difficult moments.

And what could next year bring? We’re optimistic.

Now we can only share with you that very soon you’ll be able to see one of our animations in Warsaw’s buses and trams 🙂
