Animated video: 6 application examples

Animated video: 6 application examples

Animated video can serve various purposes. For example, it can advertise a new product of a company, help it enter the market, explain regulations to potential customers, or explain socially important issues to an illiterate population. This type of video is becoming...
How to choose an animation studio? 9 tips

How to choose an animation studio? 9 tips

Your choice of an animation studio will determine the success of your final video. Regardless of which animation studio you ultimately decide on, the following advice is worth keeping in mind. 1. View their portfolio Every studio has a portfolio on its website. This...
16 interesting animations from 16 countries

16 interesting animations from 16 countries

The following list of animations from 16 countries worldwide is highly subjective. Each is interesting and unique for different reasons, which we write about in the text. England An animation released in 2018 by the British cookie company McVitie. The campaign...