Perhaps you are wondering how to reach your customers effectively? How to make them see your brand’s potential and answer their needs?

A brand video may help.

It is a video or animation that will:


Build brand awareness

Include your logo and other distinctive graphics in the video, along with information about your company’s history, mission, and experience. Introduce yourself to new customers and reinforce your image with those who already know you. In a word – you will create a business card of your brand. Link to an example brand video:


Present your range of services and tell about new products

As in the case of the example from this link, properly constructed material will serve as a friendly instruction manual:

Thanks to such a solution, you will combine the marketing message with expert knowledge. Teach the consumer how to use what you offer.


Tell about a social campaign

You will draw attention to the problem  and present possible solutions. A good example is this animation:

In an interesting way you will show the employees of your company the direction of its development and strengthen the sense of common responsibility for what you create.


Affect the recognition and stand out from the competition

Brand video in the form of animation can help build brand awareness. Such as animation for SHARP:

An interesting story will captivate the viewer and be remembered for a long time.

Brand video we made for Cubic Inch

Why a well-made brand video is effective?

If we are to remember something complicated, e.g. how a mathematical equation, a computer or a company works, we must first understand it. That is why it is so important to catch the viewer’s attention and engage them in the content.

For some, the stimulus will be placed in the video examples, proving a specific theory or the effectiveness of the product, for others, a clear way to lead the consumer from the point before the discovery of the brand, to the benefits they will gain, thanks to it.

Brand video we made for Firstcoin

Colorful graphics, interesting soundtrack, the captivating text of narration characterized by emotions – this is the key to the message, which has a better chance to reach and influence the preferred target group. It contains elements that attract attention, stimulate imagination, and encourage reflection.

The juxtaposition of the most important key components of a brand video is also important when it comes to storing information in the memory, and thus consolidating the message contained in the material.

Long-term memory is responsible for this. Our “hard drive” stores data enriched with emotions and feelings more easily than so-called dry facts. Emotions and feelings are extremely helpful in transferring experiences to long-term memory, and a brand video can and should easily generate them.

If you’ve ever been moved while watching promotional material and can recall it in your mind, you know what I’m talking about.

British Airways brand video

So how should a good branding video be constructed?

Remember about…

  • Specifics – clear message, positive image – you have no more than two minutes at your disposal. From the first second gain the recipient’s attention.
  • Authenticity – the latest trends in content marketing say that customers put honesty, the company’s social responsibility, and its beliefs above good quality of the product! Emphasize real assets, do not fantasize. Speak the language of benefits and build positive associations with the brand.
  • Balance and relevance – well-thought-out content. Adjust the tone and language of the message for the target audience. Do not overdo with humor, dynamics, and do not attack with sound or aggressive colors, if you want to build an image of an expert.
  • A different effect can be achieved by using humor.

Volkswagen brand video

Consciously adjust the tools of expression to the image of your company and the assumed purpose. The message should distinguish you, be original, distinctive and evoke positive emotions. This way, you will authenticate and strengthen your brand in the eyes of your audience.

  • Clear CTA – the simpler and clearer the call to action, the better.

Make sure your recipient knows the benefits they will get by following your CTA and make it worth their time. One of American psychologist Robert Cialdini’s rules – the rule of social proof – will help you with this. Tell about people who have already used your offer, show the numbers from your fan page or comments and testimonials from satisfied customers.

According to a this E-commerce Survey, 47% of customers rely on reviews. Other studies prove that over 92% of customers read at least one review before buying online, so it is worth using it in your promotional material.

Video content, including brand videos, are tools that can effectively help you achieve your goals, as best evidenced by the numbers in the report: “The State of Video Marketing 2019/ 2020”.

Brand video we made for FORTE

According to the data presented during the YouTube Brandcast, YouTube daily video viewing time is over 40 minutes!

Let’s take a look at the statistics of other popular social media channels:

Facebook has 2.85 billion monthly active users of various demographic groups and a rich list of options for targeting advertising content. Facebook Watch has 720 million monthly users worldwide and 140 million people who spend at least a minute on Watch each day.

Facebook’s huge user base, combined with the ability to reach them through endless targeting options and goal setting, makes Facebook one of the most popular advertising platforms where a brand video will find its target audience.

Instagram has about 1 billion monthly active users, about 70% of whom watch video content posted in Stories every day.

Moreover, 1 out of 4 consumers, have made a purchase after watching a video on Instagram. The head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, admitted that the channel is no longer primarily for sharing photos, but what now prevails is video content.

64% of users make a purchase decision after seeing a brand’s ad on social media.

Compared to those who abandoned video, marketers using video format saw a 49% increase in profits*.

LinkedIn has 722 million active users. It is a platform targeting professionals, career development and businesses, with extensive ad targeting options. A study on content performance on LinkedIn showed that video content did best.

In view of the above facts, it is clear to see that video format is the most searched and viewed online content.

So if you want quality, relevant content that will help you achieve your goals, invest in a brand video created by professionals.


More examples:

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