Well-crafted animation can help in many elements of business.
Most often, it supports companies in acquiring leads, training employees, presenting a product or service to customers, implementing procedures, or increasing conversions.
Since you’ve already invested in it or want to, ensure you use its full communication potential. Showing your video only once in one channel will make the investment less profitable.
To help you get the most out of your animation, we’ve put together a list of ways you can use your video.
#1: Put it on YouTube
YouTube is the second largest search engine in the western world and search results for videos appear on Google, the largest search engine.
And while many companies are aware of SEO on Google, few know that it’s worth taking care of SEO on YouTube as well. Remember to choose a catchy description, thumbnail, tags and other settings that affect the positioning of your material on YouTube.

An example of a well uploaded animation one of our clients put on YouTube
#2: Post on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram
Videos are becoming more popular on social media.
There are also social channels created primarily for video: a few years ago Snapchat, today Tik Tok.
However, it is important not to upload a link to YouTube. It is better to embed the file directly on the platform.
#3: Share on Facebook and LinkedIn groups
Private and public groups on Facebook are other channels that have been growing in strength recently. Groups on LinkedIn have weakened, but there are still a lot of people in the groups. Thus, it is a field to increase your brand recognition.
It is important to contribute to a group with the right introduction. If it is strictly an advertising message, it will not be well received. If your video talks about something in an interesting way, such as IISD talking about the importance of environmental protection [animation below], it may be of interest to group members.
#4: Embed the YouTube video on the page
Animations attract and hold the viewer’s attention and make your message more attractive.
Additionally, by embedding the video in your article, you don’t refer potential customers to another platform (via a link), but keep them on your web page. People will spend more time reading the article, which according to some sources [1], is good for SEO.
You can embed animations both in selected articles and on the homepage.
#5: Send your video to customers and friends of the company via email, LinkedIn or Facebook
We often think that when we upload a video to social media, everyone will see it. Unfortunately, it is rare that the video will be shown to all your friends. Therefore, it is worthwhile to send it to some contacts directly. This can result in more engagement.

Reactions to our client’s post on Linkedin about the animation we have made for his company
#6: Put on the intranet for employees
Depending on the content of your material, it will help employees to better identify with the brand, teach them how to use new programs, and allow them to learn procedures faster.
Sometimes the intranet has file size restrictions, e.g. videos can be up to 50MB, so ask the administrator to prepare a smaller file size of the video.
#7: Use in Landing Page
As animations attract and hold attention, they can increase the effectiveness of your landing page.
We described a case study example from Rypple’s landing page here: 7 examples of explainer video, which provided companies with leads and increased sales.
#8: Distribute in a newsletter
Use all available channels to share your animation. Don’t rely only on social media.
#9: Show at lectures, webinars or presentations
It is a great way to distinguish yourself from others and to grab people’s attention.
What is more, if shown at the beggining of your presentation or lecture, it can smoothly introduce people to the topic.
#10: Display during trade shows or conferences on LCD screens
This will attract people to your stand and show that the company is open to modern solutions.
An animation we made for Qiagen about their 2 centers located in Wrocław and Manila
#11: Use during recruitment
Apart from attracting attention, you will show yourself as a modern company that moves with the times.
#12: Use in paid advertising on YouTube or Facebook
By advertising animations on Facebook and YouTube, you can reach potential customers at a relatively low cost. This is because these platforms offer increasingly advanced features for personalizing ads and reaching specific users.
For example, 3S Play Group’s campaign on Facebook helped generate leads at 10 times less cost than before.
#13: Use during internal trainings and onboarding
Animations add variety at training sessions. They can also be a great summary of training or explaining more complicated issues in a visual way.
Studies show that animations affect the amount of information remembered. According to Lewalter, a researcher studying this issue, it is because the animation takes over the role of imagination, and relieves the mind.
Video also does a great job of explaining procedures.
Read more about the effectiveness of whiteboard animation in conveying information and anglicizing audiences: What is whiteboard animation (and how your business can benefit from it).
The animation we made for TechnoNICOL about the history of the company
Videomarketing in ExplainVisually: